A professional Artist, how is classified?

There are numerous interpretations of who a professional Artist is!

1-Some people believe that he/she is the one who makes living from his/her artwork.

2-Others believe that he/she is the one who pays fee to no one, but only pays percentage upon sale! However, we find different opinions, that a professional artist is independently seles and collects full sale price!

3-Another perspective of who the professional artist is; who has developed a certain style over the years. His/her style can easily recognized by viewers, even without seeing the signature.

4-Other opinion is that professional artist who paints full time and has nothing to do with representation or sale!

5-A different opinion; that a professional artist who has collected impressive number of Awards.

6-The one who obtained education or professional training in the art field.

Time to ask, what is the meaning of word professional?

1-It is the characteristic of a person and how he/she represents his/herself.

2-A person who is engaging in and following a line of style or activity with set of ethical standers.

3-A person who have consciousness of one’s limitations and goals while displaying courteousness to others.

4-A professional person who takes his/her responsibility seriously and follow through with dignity.

5-A person who holds in-depth knowledge related to his/her activities.

Back to the common comprehension of who is the professional artist! In my opinion that a professional artist is the one who has developed a well-recognized style. Who is independent which means takes full control of his/her artwork where he pays percentage to no one. A professional artist is who has his/her own collectors and pays his own fees and makes his own contacts. Carries himself/herself in proficient manners displaying the skills, experiences and abilities earned over the years. In addition to the above, of course, holding art education and awards is a plus and making a name only comes with years of investment. Who wants to reach the sky, must learn to fly!

©Mona Youssef - Gallerist- Fine artist

Mona Youssef Gallery

Mona Youssef Gallery (MYG) has been developed from a renowned Fine Artist to a gallerist, promoter and art consultant, Mona is known with her realism oil paintings of the four seasons. Original paintings on canvas, Limited Edition and greeting cards are available. MYG is also, an Online Art Gallery and a traveling Gallerist represents Artists of different countries in international art exhibitions. In addition, Mona Youssef is a Memeber of the international selection committee for Florence Biennale as well an Advisor.


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