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High Sensitive People

Years ago, I wrote an article titled” Sensitive people in insensitive world”. Now, I would like to elaborate further on the subject. Why? Because sensitive people are often misjudged, misunderstood or criticized by the majority. Why by the ”majority” because only 15-20% of the world population is highly sensitive people (HSP).

Who are among this small percentage?

Mainly creative people who have keen imagination but are labelled as, timid, lack confidence, too shy or too sensitive. What makes creative-minded individuals highly sensitive? They have secondary visual areas, visual association areas and visual-motor coordination areas. These individuals also, have an increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive process of physical, social, perceptive, mental, and emotional responses to internal or external stimulus. Therefore, their brains work differently than the majority when process information/data and reflects on them with a deeper level. That is why they become overwhelmed or overstimulated faster than the majority.

Effect of Expressions of creativity:

Researchers found that the effect of expressions of creativity, such as art and music, stir up HSP's emotions that they get deeply moved. And because HSP easily, sense the majority’s outlook toward them, they perform function poorly when are in public. However, they perform at their peak when they’re in private. In addition, they easily sense when other people are feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable and try to make them comfortable. The majority warn against the dangers of being a highly sensitive because of the increase risk of depression and anxiety but they have behavioral resilience to stress. HSP are also, greatly more conscientious of what is right or wrong and refuse violence of all its forms.

High sensitive people are is often perceived by the majority as weak, have low self-esteem, introvert, timid and shy. I can easily relate to that! The reality is that being a highly sensitive person doesn't mean one have a disorder that requires attention. It simply means that they notice and sense certain details others may overlook or miss. Recognizing oneself as a highly sensitive person could help to develop a better awareness of oneself and needs as well of other’s. Being overstimulated emotionally or mentally leads to a deeper process of thinking to react wiser and have profounder empathy and understanding for others.

Why do we intend to judge others when we do not know all the facts yet, to come. It is never-ending to learn about ourselves and about the universe where both are the most sophisticated formations. All we and I can do is to look for what is good and kind in each one of us and focus on it to let grow. Only love does that!

©Mona Youssef